Your Survivorship Journey

Effective and sustainable survivorship care is critical for the long-term health of every survivor of pediatric cancer. With the right long-term care plan, you can ensure that any doctors you see in the future will be well-briefed on your past.

This section will teach you about Survivorship Care Plans, follow-up care guidelines, and transitioning your care from pediatric oncology to survivorship and adult primary care.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

- Dr. Greg Aune of UT Health San Antonio

“As patients age, we know their risk increases.

As patients get further away from completion of therapy, the rates of follow-up and survivorship program decline. And so, if you think about what happens there: These health problems are not necessarily within the first 5-10 years of completing therapy. They’re more likely - in the childhood cancer population - to occur 20-30 years later and beyond. So right as patients are beginning to have an increased risk of health complications, that’s about the point where their follow-up drops off.”

Explore more:

  • As you’ve no doubt heard from your care team, cancer treatment can have long-lasting late effects. This course helps you be mindful of your physical and emotional health.

    Empower yourself with knowledge about your risks for long-term late effects, so you can take proactive steps to catch any problems early on.

    Start the course.

  • This section focuses on the logistical building blocks of productive adulthood: post-secondary education, employment, disability rights, insurance access, and finances.

    Take this course to help think through your career options, know your rights, and discover new resources.

    Start the course.

The information provided in these courses and throughout this site is intended for educational purposes. It does not replace medical advice by a healthcare professional.